1、我年轻过,落魄过,幸福过。我对生活一往情深。 I've been young, down and happy. I have a passion for life. 2、我宁愿掂起一个活人,也不愿意后半辈子都惦记着一个死人。 I would rather pick up a living person than think about a dead person for the rest of my life. 3、生命中曾经有过的所有喧嚣,都将用寂寞来偿还。 All the noise in life will be paid by loneliness. 4、对一个姘头来说,什么羞辱都是应得的。 For a mistress, any humiliation is deserved. 5、我自己从来不跟任何人说运气好,你只要仔细想一想,就会觉得这话真是可怕。 I've never told anyone that I'm lucky myself. If you think about it carefully, you'll find it terrible. 6、地球是圆的,就像橙子一样! The earth is round, just like an orange! 7、即使你不害怕上帝,你也会害怕金属。 Even if you're not afraid of God, you're afraid of metal. 8、不仅孩子长的更快,连人的感情也变了样。 Not only children grow faster, but also people's feelings change. 9、拥有了孤独的人,才能拥有真正的自我。 Only when you have a lonely person can you have a true self. 10、孤独才是寂寞的唯一出口。 Loneliness is the only outlet of loneliness. 11、大概生命中所有的灿烂,都要用寂寞来偿还。 Maybe all the brilliance in life should be paid back by loneliness. 12、地球是圆的,就像个橙子。 The earth is round, like an orange. 13、不用他说出是为了爱情而悲伤,她一下就猜出那是人类最古老的眼泪。 Without saying that he was sad for love, she guessed that it was the oldest tear of human beings. 14、他走过荣誉和怀念荣誉的阶段,到达希望的终点。 He went through the stage of honor and memory of honor, and reached the end of hope. 15、知音少,弦断有谁听。 If there are few bosom friends, who will listen to the broken string. 16、一个人的孤单,未曾有过的寂寞心情被这暗夜层层包裹。 A person's loneliness, never had the lonely mood by this dark night layer upon layer package. 17、我渐渐能意会到,深刻并不等于接近事实。 I've come to realize that being deep doesn't mean being close to the truth. 18、墙上的时钟,滴滴答答的走过相约的时间,走过错失相遇的岁月。 The clock on the wall, ticking through the appointment time, through the years of missing meeting. 19、一分钟的和好抵得过一辈子的友谊。 A minute of peace is worth a lifetime of friendship. 20、思恋一个人的滋味就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。 Missing someone is like drinking a large glass of ice water and then turning it into tears for a long time. 21、回忆没有尽头,未来才有方向。 Memory has no end, the future has direction. 22、科学缩短了距离。 Science shortens the distance. 23、总之,一切,上帝以无边美意所创造,又被魔鬼所败坏的一切,都是他恐惧的对象。 In a word, everything created by God with boundless beauty and corrupted by the devil is the object of his fear. 24、你想做什么蠢事就做吧,而我想说什么蠢话就说吧。 Do what you want to do, and I'll say what I want to say. 25、一个人只要能完全拥有良心上的安宁,就可以不断进食直到疲惫无力为止。 As long as a person has complete peace of conscience, he can eat until he is tired and weak. 26、我只是一个没有回忆的手工匠,剩下的唯一梦想就是被人遗忘。 I'm just a craftsman with no memory. The only dream left is to be forgotten. 27、乌尔苏拉反驳了他,温和而坚定:如果非要我死了才能留下,那我就去死。 Ursula refuted him, gentle and firm: if I have to die to stay, I will die. 28、人的很多苦痛无法言说,许多人的举措无可奈何。 A lot of people's pain can not be said, and many people's actions are helpless. 29、如果不是战争,那就是死亡把他带走。 If it's not war, it's death that takes him away. 30、生命中真正重要的不是你遭遇了什么,而是你记住了哪些事,又是如何铭记的。 What really matters in life is not what you encounter, but what you remember and how you remember it. 31、有一些人活在记忆里,永远走不开;有一些人活在身边,却很遥远。 Some people live in memory and can never leave; There are some people living around, but very far away. 32、越文明,越孤独。 The more civilized, the more lonely. 33、人生比你想象的要短。 Life is shorter than you think. 34、她的身影只出现在他心中,填满了他可怕的孤独。 Her figure only appeared in his heart, filled with his terrible loneliness. 35、死亡跟他没有什么关系,而生命对他才有意义。 Death has nothing to do with him, but life has meaning to him. 36、如果真是那样,请代我拥抱他,因为我不会再见到他了。 If that's the case, please hug him for me, because I won't see him again. 37、人们一派懈怠,而遗忘却日益贪婪。 People are lazy, but forgetting is greedy. 38、谁见幽人独往来,飘渺孤鸿影。 Who can see lonely people coming and going alone. 39、一个人想事好想找个人来陪。一个人失去了自己。不知还有没有要再追的渴望。 I want to find someone to accompany me. A man lost himself. I don't know if there is any desire to chase. 40、人不是该死的时候死的,而是在能死的时候死的。 People don't die when they die, but when they can. 41、人类最真实可触的便是孤独中的沉默。 The most real thing human beings can touch is the silence in loneliness. 42、与其沉浸在灿烂中,不如享受寂寞孤独。 It's better to enjoy loneliness than to be immersed in brilliance. 43、他一直凝视着孩子们,直到双眼湿润。 He gazed at the children until his eyes were moist. 44、走在熙熙攘攘的人群中,每一步迈出的都是寂寞,每一脚跨出的都是孤独! Walking in the bustling crowd, every step is lonely, every step is lonely! 45、对我来说,确信你我共存此刻就足够了。 For me, it's enough to make sure that you and I coexist at this moment. 46、别信男人的花言巧语,一旦他们达到目的,就再也不会忍受你的种种坏毛病。 Don't believe men's rhetoric. Once they achieve their goal, they will never tolerate your bad habits. 47、你们的幸福和甜蜜,请别炫耀,我会忌妒。 Please don't show off your happiness and sweetness. I will be jealous. 48、人不是该死的时候死的,而是能死的时候死的。 People don't die when they die, but when they can. 49、我删删写写那么多的文字,其实都是毫无意义的! It is meaningless for me to delete so many words! 50、他买了一张永久性车票,登上了一列永远不停止运行的火车。 He bought a permanent ticket and boarded a train that never stopped. 51、其实他在意的不是死亡而是生命,因此听到死刑判决时,他心中没有恐惧只有留恋。 In fact, what he cares about is not death but life, so when he heard the death sentence, he had no fear but nostalgia in his heart. 52、我们的正常之处,就在于自己懂得自己的不正常。 Our normality lies in our understanding of our own abnormality. 53、不到一百年,就不该有人知道其中的含义。 In less than a hundred years, no one should know what it means. 54、这是牛,每天要挤它的奶;要把奶煮开加上咖啡才能做成牛奶咖啡。 This is a cow, milking it every day; You have to boil the milk and add coffee to make milk coffee. 55、钟摆能让任何东西飞起来,却无法使自己腾空。 A pendulum can make anything fly, but it can't make itself fly. 56、走路时,每跨一步,就如同把脚带到地面,我们要把快乐、祥和、宁静带到地面。 When we walk, every step is like taking our feet to the ground. We should bring happiness, peace and tranquility to the ground. 57、与其逃避,不如享受孤独。 It's better to enjoy loneliness than to escape. 58、正因为当初对未来做了太多的憧憬,所以对现在的自己尤其失望。 It is because I had too much vision for the future, so I am particularly disappointed with myself now. 59、世间没有什么值得以这样的沉沦为代价。 Nothing in the world is worth the cost of such degradation. 60、在这种清醒的梦幻中,他们不仅能看到自己梦中的形象,还能看到别人梦见的景象。 In this lucid dream, they can not only see the image of their dreams, but also see the vision of others. 61、家族中第一个人被捆在树上,最后一个人正被蚂蚁吃掉。 The first person in the family is tied to a tree, and the last person is being eaten by ants. 62、看了一场看不懂的电影,四处张望,发现别人专注而陶醉,才忽然明白孤独是什么。 After watching a movie that I can't understand, I look around and find that others are focused and intoxicated. Then I suddenly understand what loneliness is. |